From a surprise snow storm in May...... |

| a surprise tornado in June!! |
The GSP Club of Manitoba is a small, but active club for owners/fanciers of the breed. We offer conformation and obedience
sanction matches, field trials, and specialty shows. We also believe in and support a strong commitment to the proper training
and care of our dogs.
I think I left a chewie out here...... |

.... it's got to be here somewhere!! |
We really shouldn't be out in the parking lot!!!! |

What will happen in July..... and August...... stayed tuned..... |
There are many advantages to becoming a member of a breed club. They include knowledgeable people who are more than willing
to help with the introduction of proper training for your new GSP along with the invitation to become involved in "doggy"
events. You'll make new friends and these friendships will last a lifetime.
Maybe it's in here.... |

better not let that Weimaraner have it!! |